Awakening the Wild Woman: The North Node in Aries

The North Node in Aries urges us to embody the "woman who runs with the wolves," a fearless force that defies norms and conventions.

Having yielded to the pressure of conformity for too long, this woman has fragmented her authenticity into digestible pieces for the world around her.

Her anger, rooted in this self-denial, manifests in her body—tired of shrinking, of making herself ever smaller, ever thinner, as if to disappear from public view.

The North Node in Aries claims its rightful space, unconcerned with meeting imposed expectations. It invites a powerful awakening, a bold rebellion, a fiery dance of liberation.

To become this woman who runs with the wolves, we must first navigate the South Node in Libra and relinquish the balance we once clung to—born from conditioning but now too polished, like a stone worn smooth over time.

To run with the wolves, we must have experienced the stillness at the other end of the spectrum, to fully appreciate the beauty of this wild race we have long yearned for.


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